5 Positives about Naplan

5 Positives about Naplan
I used to have really mixed emotions around Naplan, but the longer I have been studying the more benefits I can see from large studies like this……..not that I think all of the information is being used correctly, but that’s a story for another day.
My Miss 10 will sit her first Naplan test this year. She did not partake in the year 3 round for several reasons, but mainly because she just did not cope well under stessful situations. Since then, she has come along in leaps and bounds and I feel she is ready to undertake such a task.
I have to admit it has been a little heart breaking hearing some of her negative self talk about Naplan. Her perception of Naplan and the tendency to concentrate on her inability to complete the task was a real eye opener for me.
As with everything in life our experiences are shaped by how we view each situation. My favoured strategy is to meet challenges head on with a positive outlook, trying to take the view that there is a gift in every situation especially the challenging ones.
I thought I’d share with you the 5 positives about Naplan that seem to have helped my Miss 10 feel much more relaxed about this whole process.
5 Positives about Naplan:
- You do’t get any homework during Naplan.
- You don’t have to do as much work at school.
- You get to learn how to sit for a big exam like you will do when you go to High School.
- There will be some things on the test that will be really, really easy.
- There will be some things on the test that nobody will know the answer to, you should smile when you come across one of these trick questions and give it your best go.
I’ve been sharing these positives over the last few weeks whenever I have heard negative talk. I think speaking so positively about this daunting task has certainly helped to interrupt the negative thinking patterns she was falling into.
I hope that by sharing the positive ways we have been talking about Naplan in our house that it may help someone in your family to. Wishing everyone sitting Naplan this year a very positive experience.