Cooking with Kids contribors

Cooking with Kids Contributors
Cooking with children inspires creativity and encourages responsibility and involvement. It uses hands on maths ideas, planning, thinking, and time management. Cooking with children provides opportunities for parents and siblings to bond and master new skills, as well as being lots of fun!
Contributing to our Cooking with Kids Page is Maree Mortimer, a stay at home to 3 year old twin girls. Maree was born and raised in Bundaberg and moved to Hervey Bay 10 years ago for work. Before becoming a mum she was trained as a Home Economics teacher and a Teacher Librarian and worked in a number of schools in the Bundaberg area. Maree loves passing on her cooking knowledge to her children just like her mum and her grandmother passed on their knowledge to her.
Maree writes a blog at Three Foot Cooks about cooking with young children. Each month Maree will share with us some great ideas on how to go about cooking with your child, as well as inspiration for what to cook.