Flourish Family Fun Day 2023 Supporters

Flourish Family Fun Day is supported by:

Council’s Community Development Team walks with the community, listening for gaps and barriers. By responding to demand, Council supports community members to participate in changing the issues that affect their lives. Council collaborates with community groups to uncover place-based opportunities for sustainable outcomes. As groups gain confidence, access funding, share resources, strengthen partnerships, learn new skills, and participate, the rewards are broadly cast throughout the Bundaberg Region because of the valuable partnerships developed.
What does it mean to you to support this community event:
Since delivering the first Family Flourish Fun Day in 2015, Council has thrived in the opportunity to provide an amazing event to the region’s new families and beyond. We take great satisfaction in being able to provide our residents the chance to not only have a fun day, but to make social connections with like-minded people, services to support their children and families, as well as education providers to ease the stress of the inevitable navigation early childhood education.
Bundaberg Regional Council community development team will work with community to:
- Maintain an open and transparent interest in all things community by listening quietly for the groundswell of community need.
- Promote a planned approach to building inclusive and connected communities.
- Strengthen community by better connecting people, building unity, reduce inequity and disadvantage.
- Connect services and people to focus on solutions to local challenges.
- Link, form alliances, collaborate in informal and formal settings to advocate collective action.
- Build strategic partnerships by connecting with others.
- Keep up to date, address and respond to local, state and national trends across a range of issues including, but not limited to, social recreation and health.
- Build capacity of the communities so that they can provide for their own needs, and where those needs cannot be met, support the community by directly delivering services
- Provide Community Grants - See what is available HERE
The following are examples of activities we either support or deliver: Harmony Week (Movie night and fundraiser, Cultural Leaders workshop and Culture Bites), Empowering Mothers, Sleepbus, YMCA Skate Park Leagues Competition Neighbour Day, Flourish Family Fun Day & Welcome Baby Celebration, Seniors Come and Try Day, Learn to Skate workshops for Youth Month, Bundy Region Connect – Monthly Newsletter, the Diversity and Inclusion Forum, Cultural Connections and many more.
Contact Details:
E: comdev@bundaberg.qld.gov.au
P: 07 4130 4150
157 Bourbong St, Bundaberg Central
Wide Bay Kids want to strengthen the Bundaberg community by creating awareness & enhance accessibility of information that supports families living in the region. We provide opportunities for members of our community who may not be connecting with services or who are socially isolated to receive information & make decisions about participating in activities.
We promote the local area & encourage participation by documenting the Wide Bay Region through storytelling and publishing locally written articles and community engagement projects. We facilitate diverse networks working together to build relationships between services to foster a philosophy of inclusive activities & services for all.
What does it mean to you to support this community event:
Flourish Family Fun Day and Welcome Baby Celebration is an opportunity for Wide Bay Kids to connect with families living in Bundaberg. We are always looking for ways to collaborate and partner with businesses, government and other community organisations to support diverse families to walk along-side evidence-based projects, activities and promotion, to build better relationships, better collaboration and a better region. Wide Bay Kids believes when the community works together we can create a safe, inclusive environment where families thrive.
Contact Details:
P: (07) 4153 1614
111 Targo Street Bundaberg
Monday to Thursday
9am to 3pm
Phoenix House is a community Counselling Support Service with a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach to meeting the mental health, therapeutic, and well-being support our local and regional communities need. Phoenix House prides itself on having qualified staff to assist with the client’s needs and requirements. We welcome Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and provide the option of engaging with one of our cultural liaison staff. We are a diverse workforce and welcome people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, and those who identify as LGBTQIA+.
Contact Details:
P: 07 4153 4299
E: admin@phoenixhouse.com.au
W: Phoenixhouse.com.au
33 Enterprise st, Svensson Heights, Bundaberg

headspace Bundaberg is a confidential and cost-free safe space for young people aged 12-25 years, providing support and information for a range of concerns including mental health, physical health, drug & alcohol, and work & study.
headspace is supported by the wider community through our Consortia, and other partners. We also have some amazing volunteers in both our ‘Youth Engagement Committee’ (YEC) and ‘Family & Friends Reference Group’.
We run events throughout the year, all with the aim to spread awareness so keep an eye on our social media pages for updates.
What does it mean to you to support this community event:
headspace Bundaberg are proud to be a supporter of Flourish Family Fun Day, it is an opportunity for us to connect with our beautiful community and we hope that our presence will contribute to supporting you or someone you know in the future.
Contact Details:
P: 07 4152 3931
66 Woongarra Street, Bundaberg

The Bundaberg Family Relationship Centre provides a Family Dispute Resolution service that takes an individual approach to the needs of your family. The staff offer a range of services that work with separating parents to help them focus on the children's needs and to work out parenting arrangements. We offer child inclusive services through our Family Dispute Resolution practitioner. We can also provide pathways to access services that can enhance and strengthen family relationships.
•Assisting families through separation
•Strengthening family relationships
•Helping families stay together
Family Relationship Centre services include:
- Family Dispute Resolution
- Financial and Property Mediation
- Community Information and Referrals to other services that help with family relationships and separation issues such as counselling and Legal Aid
- Guidance on developing workable parenting arrangements
- Seasons For Growth Children and Young People’s Program (supports children and young people to understand and respond well to issues they may experience as a result of death, separation, divorce and other significant loss)
What does it mean to you to support this community event:
Supporting Flourish Family Fun day is essential for UnitingCare and The Family Relationship Centre as we know that community enjoy connecting with services in parks and open spaces where they feel safe, and children can play. The Family Relationship Centre will be supporting Flourish by bringing The Seekers Tree to life, The Seekers Tree is rooted in the knowing that families need help sometimes and help seeking is a sign of strength - reaching out for help takes courage and Flourish Family Fun Day helps community discover supports, resources and services in a relaxed family friendly way.
Contact Details:
T: 07 4130 7500 or 1300 885 373 F: 07 3250 4772
E: bundaberg.frc@uccommunity.org.au
W: www.familyrelationships.gov.au
Bundaberg Regional Office 5 Bingera Street, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm
Out of hours by appointment
Outreach Services: Hervey Bay, Maryborough, Kingaroy, Nango/Murgon

The Child Health Service provides a range of community health and support services for children and their parents/carers to give every child the best possible start in life.
From birth and beyond, Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service Community Family Health offers many free services for you and your family at our clinics, via the phone and in your home. These include:
Providing assessment and information on growth and development
Helping children to thrive by supporting parents
Providing opportunities to make new friends through group sessions.
The community Family Health Service beings together a variety of primary health and specialist services dedicated to helping children and their families lead healthier lives.
We provide the following services for families:
Child Health clinic ( 0-5 years)
Drop-in Service (0-5 years)
Mums and Bubs Home Visiting within the first 4 weeks
General Parenting education sessions
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) – seminars and group programs
Circle of Security parenting program – seminars and group programs
Hearing Screening (4-18 years)
Home visiting by referral only
School Based Youth Health Nurse Program – providing support and education on health matters for youth in all district high schools
Primary School Nurse Health Readiness – vision screening for prep-aged children
Early Intervention Parenting Service.
Contact Details:
For more information or appointments, contact your nearest Child Health Clinic.
Monday to Friday:
0830 – 4.30 pm.
This is a free Queensland Health Service provided by qualified child health nursing and allied health professionals. We look forward to meeting you and your child.
Why do we want to support Flourish Day?
WBHHS Bundaberg and Rural Child Health support Flourish Day and Welcome Baby Ceremony as we recognise our valuable children and families and to warm welcome the newest to the region. Support the acknowledgment of families within the Bundaberg Regional Council as we as a community and services come together, with a unified aim to ensure children and young people are nurtured, safe and able to realise their full potential. Flourish Day provides opportunities for families to link into the community as we partner together in their journey from birth and beyond.

Carinbundi Kids Family Day Care
Carinbundi Kids Family Day Care is a CCS/ACCS Approved service, providing flexible quality child care, including all-day care, part-time, evening, overnight, casual, before and after school care, 24 hour emergency care, care for children with a disability and care during school holidays or other special circumstances.
At Carinbundi Kids Family Day Care we believe that children should feel safe and secure in a caring and supportive environment and feel like it’s their home. We have educators in many locations across Bundaberg and the region, with educators providing individualised, personalised care for children and families. Our educators often work outside normal hours, which is what sets Family Day Care apart from other childcare choices.
Contact Details:
W: www.carinbundikidsfamilydaycare.com.au
E: fdcmanager@carinbundi.com.au
P: 07 4158 9644
Carinbundi – Registered and Accredited NDIS Provider
Carinbundi is a non-for-profit organisation providing disability support services across the Bundaberg region. Since 1994 our community based team has assisted clients of all ages with much needed relief and flexible respite services.
Our skilled client-focussed team provides a range of Supported Independent Living, Short and Long Term Respite and Accommodation, Community Inclusion and Day Services and Vacation Care programs for people living with disabilities in the Bundaberg region.
Supporting clients to achieve their goals is our priority – we take great pride in offering programs that encourage independence, community engagement and a sense of pride and responsibility in the minds of our clients.
Contact Details:
W: www.carinbundi.com.au
E: carinbundi@carinbundi.com.au
P: 4158 9600
Why do we want to support Flourish Day?
The Flourish Family Fun Day is one of Bundaberg’s most popular family events and we are thrilled to be a part of it. A key part of who we are at Carinbundi is community. We believe everyone, especially children and people with a disability should feel safe, secure and supported in their local community. While it’s mostly all about having fun, Flourish is also a wonderful opportunity to connect with each other, include each other and share important information about who we are and what we do.

Our Bundaberg C&K childcare and kindergartens have a strong focus on nurturing children’s curiosity, building their resilience, and developing their confidence – all through the joy of learning through play.
We co-design vibrant learning environments with children, families, and communities. Our qualified and passionate educators and teachers celebrate each child’s individual strengths to support them to grow towards their full potential.
Your child will experience many opportunities to explore, solve problems, develop friendships, use their creativity and play. C&K is a place where your child will belong, feel safe and make friends while preparing them for school and a lifelong love of learning.
Contact Details:
07 4152 8011
C & K Walker Street Community Child Care Centre
134 Walker Street Bundaberg