Kids Dancing Lessons Bundaberg
We want to feature a list of great kids dancing lessons in Bundaberg and the Fraser Coast – toddler classes, baby activities, after school activities, lessons as well as competitive dancing classes. If you run a dancing class in our Region then contact us about including the information here.
Find a kids dancing class near you
LA Dance Academy
Passionate about providing a positive environment for students to learn and enhance their skills while also stimulating a lifelong love of dance. Classes in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Musical Theatre,
Hip Hop, Acrobatics, Lyrical and Contemporary, from age 2 to adult.
T n T Dance Studio
Listings Available
If you know of a great local business or community group/organisation that provide a product or service to Wide Bay families let them know about our Directory! If you would like to see your business/service listed in our Directory view our 2022 advertising opportunities here or please email us for further information.
Our local guide provides the contact details, location of sporting clubs and organisations in the Bundaberg region. Sports for kids Bundaberg, Fraser Coast, North Burnett we've got it covered!
It's proven that playing a sport has a whole bunch of positives, particularly for kids. Overall, sports for kids can lead to healthy bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, better balance and coordination, improve the posture and vastly improved sleep. Kids who play sport often are more relaxed, comfortable in social situations, and able to work as part of a team. We've put together this list of sports and sport club contacts to help you in your quest to find a sport for your Wide Bay Kids.