STORM in a box

Today is preparation day for the storm, Tropical Cyclone Marcia, that is approaching…
STORM in a box
We are decorating a box and filling it with fun things to do to help prepare Mr 6 for what is ahead. My Mr 6 has named it ‘STORM in a box’. We may lose power so we have some electronic and non-electronic options.
See also our blog post about Cyclone Preparations – What to make, bake and do in the kitchen AND our blog post about 30 Things to do with kids with no power.
The first thing my MR 6 put in was the electronics, no surprises there. All fully charged
Headphones (noise cancelling are particularly good)
Now for the items that don’t require power.
Favourite books
Board games
Colouring pencils and pages
Musical instruments
We also have written a list of games to play:
- Rock,Paper, Sissors
- Thump Wrestle
- Pillow Fight
- Hide and Seek
- Murder in the dark
We also have a few safety items in our STROM in a box
- Torch
- Batteries
- Astma preventor
- Medication
- Water bottle
Having a ‘STORM in a box’ is a fun way to help kids prepare for what is about to happen. For them to take the time and get involved in creating the box will help them to know they are prepared. I am off to create my own ‘Storm in a box’.