Bundaberg Model Railway Club Open Day – March 11 2023

- Saturday, 11th March 2023
- 9am to 3pm
- Old Showgrounds, Kensington St Entrance, Bundaberg.
- Free admission
- Everyone welcome – all ages
Members of the Bundaberg Model Railway Club have invited the community to their annual open day, to be held on Saturday, 11th March 2023.
Members have been busy building the layout, which would give attendees a chance to see miniature locomotives in action! A model railway layout can include intricate details, of known landscapes or sometimes a hidden message; taking months of hard work and dedication to construct. There will be 5 club layouts and 2 “very small scale” visitor layouts running on the day with club members on hand to welcome visitors and answer questions. The new N scale DCC layout under construction, has developed further since the last open day and visitors are invited to talk to club members regarding future plans for it. Children as young as 2 to 3 years old enjoy watching trains go by, as do their parents, grandparents and other family and friends.
The club holds only a few open days each year and they’re always well attended by train enthusiast and the wider community. A coffee van will be onsite most of the day, this is a great day out with people of all ages attending from babies to grandparents.
The Bundaberg Model Railway Club’s open day will be held between 9am and 3pm on 11 March, at the old Bundaberg showgrounds, with entry via Kensington Street.
Contact John Bonnett Promotions Officer for more information: PH. 4154 1448 MOB. 0417 191 338