How to de-clutter your life and home

How to de-clutter your life and home
Almost everyone I know lives fast paced, action packed lives. Even us stay at home mums are here, there, and everywhere!……..but if there is one thing I have learnt, in order to keep up this fast pace I have to be organised……everything in it’s place and a place for everything. For me clutter and disorganisation in my garage, pantry, or laundry interfere and impact on the other areas of my life………..and I’m not talking about little kiddies messes I’m immune to them!
When everything is in it’s place and I’m organised, I’m calm, I feel in control and that I could take on any challenge thrown at me. When I have clutter around me I am cranky, I feel out of control and I’m not interested in doing anything! For some unknown reason I am one of the lucky ones, organisation comes naturally so it’s not too often that I feel this way. For others it is really difficult and organisation skills have to be learnt. Lucky for those of you who need this help I know just the person who can show you how to de-clutter your life and home.
Noela from Organise Your…. runs her own professional organising service. Noela shows people how to take their clutter and reorganise it into a way that works for them.
So…….if your pantry is in such a mess you no longer have room to put your groceries away, or your wardrobe is full but you have nothing to wear, or there is no room in your garage for your car……….and you have no idea where to start, then you need to meet Noela and she will show you how to de-clutter your life and home.
Noela is hosting two of her very popular De-clutter your life NOW Workshops on the 11th and 13th February at Take the Plunge Community Cafe.
After attending one of Noela’s workshops you will have an action plan to transform those areas of your life that are just not working for you! You will also have the skills to repeat this process until your entire life has been de-cluttered and put in order!
Your Cost is $80, an open mind, and your time. In exchange Noela will invest her time, expertise and enthusiasm in you. She will provide you with a take away action plan and new life skills. All Noela’s workshops are capped at 5 participants to ensure that everyone gets personal attention and the right action plan just for them.
If you would like to attend one of Noela’s Workshops you can contact her by phoning 074151 8791, alternatively you can visit her Facebook page or Website.
Workshop Details:
When: 11th and 13th February
Time: 11th 9:30am to 12:30pm , 13th 8:30am to 11:30am
Where: Take the Plunge Community Cafe
Cost: $80 per person
Bookings: essential by phoning Noela on 4151 8791