Easter in the Gardens 2024 Sponsor St Luke’s School Bundaberg

St Luke's Anglican School is sponsoring Easter in the Gardens for the second year running with their new egg, 'Connected Community'.
St Luke’s Anglican School is a leading independent school from Pre-Kindy through to Year 12. We are a dynamic, inclusive community that embraces excellence, service, innovation, and global thinking.
St Luke’s offers a stimulating and nurturing learning environment, rich in opportunities within and beyond the classroom. Through involvement in academic, community, sporting, creative, and service pursuits, our students develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding of themselves and others through a well-balanced education. This helps strengthen minds, hearts, and character and prepares our graduates to pursue their dreams and shape their worlds into the future.
At St Luke's, we reinforce a culture of belonging and connectedness that extends to our entire school community and beyond. As a dynamic and inclusive school, we value the importance of community and the opportunity to engage and serve our wider community is always a privilege. We are honoured to be sponsoring Easter in the Gardens and supporting an event that celebrates the hope, joy and light of the Easter season while encouraging connectedness within the community.
Connect with St Luke's Bundaberg
- www.stlukes.qld.edu.au
- www.facebook.com/stlukesbundaberg
- www.instagram.com/stlukesbundaberg/
- 4 Mezger Street, Kalkie
- PH: 07 4132 7555

St Luke's Bundaberg 'Shine Bright' at the 2023 Easter in the Gardens event.