How to create strong language and literacy environments

How to create strong language and literacy environments
Bundaberg Regional Libraries First 5 Forever program gives parents the tools to create strong language and literacy environments for children aged birth to five years. The program focuses on highlighting to parents that they are a child’s first and most important teacher and that it is never too early to start reading to children. This way of thinking is known as the Abecedarian Approach. Several playgroups in the Bundaberg area are now supporting and using this well researched method within their sessions and are empowering parents to be their child’s first and most important teacher.
The Abecedarian approach to teaching and learning shows that regularly reading to children (particularly from birth to five years), greatly assists with literacy development and can make a big difference to schooling. Bundaberg Regional Libraries are running a number of programs to support parents and show them how to create strong language and literacy environments for their children. Programs such as Aqua Bubs Literacy Program and Birth and Beyond sessions hosted by Child Health Nurses teach parents these skills.
Aqua Bubs is held every Thursday from 9.30am at Norville Pool. For just $5 parents and their bubs can gain entry to the pool and enjoy a water aerobics class which allows both parent and child to relax and have a bit of fun. This is followed by morning tea and a literacy session with a First 5 Forever project officer.
Every Thursday between 9.30am and 12.30pm parents and carers can drop in to the Bundaberg Library Meeting room to speak with a Margaret Rose Centre Child Health Nurse as part of the Birth and Beyond sessions. The nurses are available to discuss any questions parents may have whether it be related to the development of children aged from birth to five years, toilet training, tantrums, fussy eating or just to share the trials and triumphs of early parenthood.
These First 5 Forever programs are supported by Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service, State Library F5F Literacy Program and Bundaberg Regional Libraries.
For more information on accredited Abecedarian educators within Bundaberg please contact Agnes Ashley on 4155 7501 or by email.