Mini Vegetable Quiches

Mini Vegetable Quiches
This is a super simple recipe that the kids can help out with. I find that if you involve kids in the process of preparing and cooking food they are more likely to try something new. We made these mini vegetable quiches today for lunch and they were a big hit. Each child had there own board and knife which made them take ownership for their part in the process. Using soft vegetables like zucchini, capsicum and rocket set the kids up for success and safety in the cutting department.
The kids were so proud of their creations and promptly ate them all up. Guess we will just have to make a different batch tomorrow.
6 eggs
2 tbs flour
muffin pan
cooking spray
crack eggs into a bowl and whisk together with flour
dice or grate up vegetables and add to egg bowl
mix thoroughly
spray muffin pan with cooking spray
pour mixture into muffin pan
Cook in 180 degree oven for 10-15 minutes
You could add other ingredients such as cheese, bacon, ham, parsley, sweet potato, cabbage the list is endless, just not something that is too wet like tomato. A mini muffin pan would also work well if you have under 2’s.