Monkeys are coming back to Bundaberg!

Monkeys are coming!
It’s official! Bundaberg Zoo Supervisor Leon Spencer has confirmed that Bundaberg Regional Council has acquired three female cotton-top tamarin monkeys!
If you grew up around Bundaberg you will remember when Alexandra Park Zoo was locally known as “the monkey park”. Thanks to approval from Biosecurity Queensland the community will get to re-live those days with the new monkeys’ arrival.
“This particular species of monkey is actually critically endangered but we have been lucky enough to acquire them from Perth Zoo as part of the Zoo and Aquarium Association breeding program,” Leon said.
“They are known as cotton-tops because of their shock of white hair. I’ve no doubt they will quickly become the start attractions at Alexandra park Zoo.”
And we are sure of that too Leon!
Council has been required to upgrade its enclosure which has now been custom-designed to accommodate these primates.
It’s unclear when the monkeys will arrive at the Zoo but we will keep you posted!
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