We survived moving house with kids

We Survived moving house with kids
Recently our family moved house. It was the first time my husband and I had moved since having our two children. They say that moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do, and sadly I can attest to that! Everyone in our little household was on edge.
Our 2.5 year old son didn’t cope very well with the move and it took him quite a while to adjust to his new surroundings. It got me thinking about what we could have done differently to help prepare him for the move and what things we could be doing now to help him settle in.
On reflection, here are my top moving tips:-
1. Make a list of all the big jobs and prioritise them. Tick them off daily, it won’t seem so daunting that way. Big jobs include disconnecting phone, gas and electricity and changing your address with agencies and suppliers.
2. Make a list of all your items and organise them into categories. For example moving, storage, dump, donate, garage sale.
3. Start packing with about 3 weeks til moving date. Start with items you don’t currently use like out of season clothing. Involve your kids by asking them to pack their own bedroom items. Explain that the items will be packed away for now and will be at their new home when they move in.
4. If you’re moving to a new city, choose a new dentist, vet and medical centre. Look up where your local school and child care centre will be. Investigate local parks, sporting clubs and community groups which you may be able to join once you have moved in. Visit with the kids so they get used to their new surroundings. Local services for families new to Bundaberg can be found at www.bundyregionconnect.qld.gov.au .
5. For younger school-aged children it’s a good idea to let them have a goodbye party with their friends. Ensure they understand they can still be in contact with their school friends via telephone, email or post.
6. Involve your kids as much as possible by taking and showing them your new home before you move in. Let them choose their bedrooms and if you can, buy new bedspreads and bedroom accessories so they can personalise their rooms.
7. On moving day make sure you have activities planned to keep the kids busy while you pack and load. Have a box of toys/games put aside that can easily be transported in the car with the kids. Include items like matchbox cars or barbie dolls, a few small reading books, colouring in book and pencils, deck of cards and your child’s favourite DVD.
8. And finally, once you arrive at your new home take the time to show your child around. Ask them what their favourite thing about the new house is and allow them time to ask you questions. Get your child’s room set up first and get them settled with some familiar furniture and toys before you start unpacking the remainder of the house. The boxes will still be there in the morning!