Christmas Budgeting Tips

Christmas Budgeting Tips
Experience Christmas by sticking to a budget and you will enjoy it even more! We have put together some great money saving ideas and tips for a fun, family Christmas.
Christmas Budgeting Tips
Setting a budget
1. Sticking to any budget requires planning. Work out what you have to spend and then what needs to be purchased. Are you hosting a Christmas Party? Who do you buy gifts for at Christmas? Are you planning a Christmas holiday?
2. Set up a Christmas Savings Account with your bank.
3. Leave your credit card at home when you go gift shopping. That way you will not be tempted to use it.
1. Decide on a family budget for gifts.
2. Suggest to your family you have a homemade Christmas this year. Gifts made at home by family members are unique and made with love.
3. Discuss if you will be buying for extended family members or just the children in each family.
4. Save money on gifts by having a “Secret Santa” gift giving. Each person only buys for one other person. Everyone still receives a gift, and you will probably end up with something you really want instead of several small unwanted gifts.
5. Wrap presents with colouring pages or paintings the kids have created at school or daycare during the year. You can also buy wrapping paper in bulk or buy plain green and red paper for a cheaper option.
6. Make your own Christmas cards at home. Get the kids involved, they will love creating something that will be mailed to family and friends.
7. Go shopping for gifts with a list and stick to it. Make a list early (start now!) and wait for items to come on special.
8. Research big item purchases, if you can get something cheaper at another store, talk to the Manager about matching prices.
9. Head to an Op Shop or check out some Garage Sales – you never know what you will find!
10. Recycle your old formula tins by spray painting them and then filling with homemade cookies.
11. Check out Wide Bay Kids Christmas Catalogue for super specials this Christmas!
1. Use paper to create streamers. Recycle newspapers or coloured wrapping paper.
2. Check out Wide Bay Kids Christmas Crafts Page for ideas on home made Christmas tree ornaments.
3. Head to Crazy Clarks or similar bargain shop for cheap decorations. Op Shops may also stock donated decorations.
1. Buy items like nibbles and soft drinks in advance. Hide them away at home so you won’t be tempted to eat them before they are needed. Start a “Christmas Box” as early as June. Start buying and putting items away each week so you won’t have a huge grocery bill the week before Christmas
2. Keep your menu simple. Why not have a cold Christmas lunch with a selection of hams, salads, and seafood. Use foods in season and try the local markets for fresh and usually cheaper produce.
3. Check out Wide Bay Kids Christmas Recipe Page for quick and cheap Christmas meal ideas.