Welcome Baby Celebration

Welcome Baby Celebration Event
The Welcome Baby Celebration Ceremony is an opportunity for families to have their baby formally introduced and welcomed into the Bundaberg Regional Community. The ceremony sets out to acknowledge the valued position babies hold in our community.
The celebrations will take place at Boreham Park on the 27th June where an Acknowledgement Certificate will be presented by the Mayor, Jack Dempsey to each baby. Every participating baby will also receive a ‘Baby Love’s Bundaberg Regional Pack’.
Time: 8:30am to 12 noon
Where: Boreham Park, Avenell Street
Registrations Close: 27th May
We are so proud to be part of the working group responsible for the Welcome Baby Celebration. Bundaberg Regional Council has partnered with us, Phonix House, the Family Baby Network, Family Chiropractic Bundaberg, QLD Health and the Taribelang Aboriginal Dance Group of Art to bring you this event. Angela Stedman, who is the Secretary of Wide Bay Kids as well as the Family and Baby Network’s representative, has collaborated within the working group committee to help make this event possible. We love community events such as this, and welcome the opportunity to partner with the other members of the working group. Events like the Welcome Baby Celebration are what Wide Bay Kids is all about.
This year, for the second time, Council is combining the Welcome Baby Celebration and Teddy Bear’s Picnic into The 2016 Welcome Baby Celebration and Family Fun Day Event on 27th June 2015. This means that other children’s activities will be held at the park making the morning a wonderful family event.
Key information for parents or expecting parents wanting to register:
- Participating babies are limited to 150
- Your child must be 13 months or younger on the day of the event
- You must be a resident of the Bundaberg Region
- Registrations close Friday 27th May, 2016
Registrations for the Welcome Baby Celebration Ceremony close on the 27th May, 2016. To register you must complete a Welcome Baby Registration Form and submit it to the Bundaberg Regional Council.