Wide Bay Bulk Wholefood Co-op
Wide Bay Bulk Wholefood Co-op
Register your interest below
We have received many requests as to whether there is a Wide Bay Bulk Wholefood Co-op. At present we are not really sure if there is one operating in the Bundaberg area. There is a co-op group listed on Facebook and we have tried to contact them but have received no reply.
We are trying to gauge if there is enough interest within our community for one to be established. We are asking if you would like to participate in a Wide Bay Bulk Wholefood Co-op that you register your interest below We will then endeavour to find a group within our community who may be willing to take on the task. If you think this is something that you would be interested in yourself, please let us know by sending an email to us at info@widebaykids.com.au.
For now though we thought we would quickly explain what is a Bulk Food Co-op is and how they operate:
- They are a made up of a group of people who place one bulk food order.
- The bulk food order is then distributed amongst the group.
- The Co-op’s aim is to receive a substantial discount on foods because of their bulk buying power.
- A Co-op has a co-ordinator who overseas ordering, division of orders and invoice payments.
- The co-ordinator is usually paid a small fee.
- There is a wide variety of types of foods that can be purchased through a Co-op such as:
- pantry staples
- grains, flours
- sweeteners
- dried fruits
- nuts, seeds, legumes
- oils
- fresh fruits and vegetables
- meat
I know that I would love to have access to a Co-op especially for pantry items, nuts, seeds and oils. I presently purchase most of these online and I would really appreciate the greater buying power that comes with a Co-op.
Register your interest
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