How Youtube can improve self-esteem

How youtube can improve self-esteem
This is my little story on how youtube can improve self-esteem.
My daughter recently perfected her first dish, guacamole or as she calls it ‘green dip’. She was so excited to finally be able to prepare something herself. Her ambition in life at the moment is to be a famous youtuber, which is quite ironic seeing as she is very shy and timid……BUT when you put a camera in front of her it’s like she comes to life, and lets face it what kid doesn’t. She has recorded copious amounts of videos of herself on my phone and the ipad.
It was when my phone became full of videos that I realised I needed to somehow harness this energy to benefit her……..and me, lol…….so I started getting her to make videos of herself doing everyday tasks. I explained to her that making videos like this is what a lot of famous youtubers do. They become very good at something and then make a recording of themselves doing the activity so others that are less skilled can learn from them. I explained that she could make her own videos and then other children would be able to watch them and learn from her.
Well……..she fell for this hook line and sinker. My idea was to get her to make videos firstly of things she wanted to make them about and then in areas that she was struggling with. I was able to control this to a certain extent because she needed me to hold the camera and so sometimes needed to do a recording on one of my suggested topics! I’m still working on the cleaning her room video but hopefully we can perfect that one in the school holidays. Making these videos has worked really well in extending her skill base, helping her put her ideas into words, the structure of a story and more importantly boosting her self-esteem, confidence and communication skills.
This is the recipe for Kaitlin’s Green Dip
peel avocado and mash into a bowl
grate garlic into bowl
add salt, pepper, lemon/lime and mix
Kaitlin loves her green dip with carrot, cucumber, celery and often has it in her school lunch box. Here is Kaitlin’s video of her making green dip.
Let me know if you have also found that youtube can improve self-esteem by commenting below.