What’s for lunch mum?
What’s for lunch Mum?
Written by Christine Sorbello, Dietitian/Nutritionist
Did you know that while in childcare or school kids eat about half of their daily food intake? So, packing a healthy lunchbox is especially important for their nutrition and as well as helping them to concentrate, learn and play. It is also a great time to establish and reinforce healthy eating behaviour.
What to Pack
Supermarkets stock an enormous amount of “lunchbox foods”, many advertised as nutritious. But, do they all stack up to make a nutritious lunchbox and if not what foods should we include?
Try to include foods from each of the 5 food groups. Here are some ideas
Foods to Include | Foods to Avoid | |
Vegetables2-3 serves | Leftover meat & veg dishesVegie sticks (e.g. carrot, celery, capsicum, baby corn) Cherry tomatoes Salad (or it’s own or in a sandwich) Vegetable quiche/slice Baked beans | Chips & crisps (even those labelled vegie chips) |
Fruit1 serve | Any fresh fruit. Try:- fruit kebabs – apple slinky – watermelon wedges – berries or grapes Canned fruit or snack packs (in juice) Frozen berries – on their own or add to yoghurt Dried fruit* | Dried fruit sticks or straps- High in added sugar – Low in fibre – Stick to teeth Jellied fruit – High in added sugar – Fruit content can be quite low |
Grains & Cereals2-3 serves | Breads (preferable wholegrain) – wraps, pita, foccacia, buns & rolls, Turkish bread as well as regular sandwich loafFruit bread Fruit or savoury muffins Pasta, rice or noodle dishes Crispbreads or rice cracker Popcorn Creamed rice | Muesli bars, cereal bars- High in sugar – Stick to teeth Oven baked savoury snacks – High in fat – High in salt Biscuits Cakes |
Meat or alternatives½ – 1 serve | Leftover meat & veg dishesSandwich meats – ham, diced chicken/turkey, corned beef Boiled egg Quiche Chicken drumstick Tinned fish e.g. salmon, tuna 4 bean mix (add to a salad or wrap) Handful of nuts Peanut paste* (check your schools policy on nuts) | Salami products- High in fat – High in salt Pies, sausage rolls |
Milk, yoghurt, cheese1 – 1½ serves | MilkSoy milk (with calcium) Plain and fruit yoghurts Cheese cubes, slices or sticks Soft cheeses like ricotta, cream cheese – use as spreads or dips | Flavoured custards and Dairy Desserts (can be high in added sugars)Cheese flavoured spreads |
Drinks | Water is the best choiceMilk 100% Fruit Juice (limit to ½ cup)* | Fruit DrinksCordial Soft Drinks Sports Drinks Energy or Caffeinated Drinks |
Note: Serves indicate what to include in the lunchbox or approximately half the average number required per day. * These foods should only be included occasionally
Fun Ideas & Tips
If sandwiches are your mainstay try to vary your breads. Try buns, wraps, foccacia, long rolls, checkerboard (half white, half wholemeal)
Serve usual foods in unusual ways e.g. fruit kebabs or pinwheel sandwiches
Have a colour themed lunchbox e.g. The Red Box – cherry tomatoes, red apple & strawberry yoghurt
Freeze your drink or yoghurt to keep the lunchbox cool or add a cold pack
Encourage your school or childcare centre to have a fruit & veg break. This encourages everyone to bring something healthy and children learn and experiment with foods by eating together
Choose fruits in season – this is when they are at their best quality and cheaper. It also gives you variety throughout the year.
Try going “litter free” – get rid of all the pre-packaged foods and find out how healthy your lunch can be. Also, heaps better for the environment!
Make sure food is in an easy to eat form, especially for the littlies. Cut fruit into bite sized pieces, ensure containers can easily be opened, include cutlery if required
Include a non-food treats – why not add a sticker, fancy pencil, note from mum or dad
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