BUGK – Bringing Up Great Kids 2023 Parenting Adolescents – A shifting Landscape

BUGK – Bringing Up Great Kids 2023
Parenting Adolescents – A shifting Landscape
- Tuesdays 12.30pm – 2.20pm
- 9th May – 20nd June
- 2 Normanby Square, Bundaberg
7 weekly sessions support parents/caregivers to:
- Build on and maintain the positive relationships and interactions you have with your child
- Support your adolescent to forge their own identity
- Support your adolescent as they push the boundaries whilst still being their to guide, nurture and support them
- Understanding the ‘period of adolescence’ and the meaning attached to behaviours and interactions
- develop and increased understanding about the messages both you and your adolescent communicate through behaviours, actions and attitudes.
For more information contact Peirson Services on 07 4151 2299 or email bundaberg@peirsontrust.org.au.