Giant Bubble Mix Recipe
Giant Bubble Mix Recipe
I love bubbles, I love how the sun shines on them and makes little rainbows, they always make me smile. I have found the best giant bubble mix recipe from Frugal Fun for Boys and today I made it.
6 cups water
1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
2 tbs glycerine
large tray container
large wand
Mix together water, dishwashing liquid and glycerine
let mix sit for about 24 hours before use, I let it sit for 2 hours and it worked great
pour liquid into tray or container
rub wand in liquid and wave around
You could use anything as your wand that has a wide opening, like a large rubber band, even old wands from those larger type of bubbles that you can buy. I’ve used flyswats with the middles cut out before and they have worked really well.
All kids love bubbles and they are such fun and so easy to transport and pack up. We sometimes take them to the park or beach with us is and I find it is a great way to encourage the kids to interact with other kids in the park. We sometimes use them in the swimming pool and play a game where you have to pop the bubble before it hits the water.
Just listen to the giggles and fun we had with these.