Healthy snacks for kids

Healthy snacks for kids
Written by Christine Sorbello, Dietitian/Nutritionist
Making healthy snacks for kids is an important part of a childs’ nutrition. Snacks can help children sustain their energy and concentration as well as meet their nutrient requirements. Generally, kids will snack around 1 or 2 times a day, although older children who are involved in organised sport and training activities may require more.
While treat foods are OK on the odd occasion, in general snacks should be made up of healthy foods from one or more of the five food groups. Keeping snacks nutritious can help kids develop healthy lifestyle habits and can also present a good opportunity for learning about food. Children can be involved in helping to choose and prepare their snack foods from quite a young age. Here are some snack ideas that you might like to try:
Healthy Snacks for Kids
Tips for making it happen
– Keep healthy snacks on hand so these are quick and easy for kids to access. Many homemade snack options can be made in bulk and packed into portions for later in the week.
– Avoid stocking unhealthy snacks (chips, lollies, biscuits, softdrinks) in your cupboard as these can be too enticing for little (and big!) hands that are looking for something to eat
– Model good snacking as parents.
– Put some routine around snacking. It is a good idea to avoid snacks too close to meal times as children may then be too full to eat. Too frequent snacking may also lead to overeating and health problems like overweight and obesity
– Offering a choice of snacks helps children build independence and express some of their likes and dislikes. However, it is a good idea to limit it to 2 (healthy) options so they don’t get carried away!
– Send extra snacks with children who are involved in after school activities to reduce the temptation of buying treats from canteens or stores
Looking for more healthy snack ideas? Try Fresh for Kids