TOM Wide Bay Makeathon
Creating solutions to life’s challenges for people living with disability
TOM: Wide Bay Makeathon is held at Community Lifestyle Support throughout March and brings everyday people together to find solutions for people with disabilities. Read more about how to register to be part of the event here.
Wednesday 1 March
Pre TOM is an online event to introduce participants to TOM: Melbourne and each other; give makers an introduction to Disability Awareness; introduction by an expert to Inclusive Design; and starting to understand the challenge
Wednesday 8 March
Design Night is an online event to start the ideation process.
Wednesday 15 March
Teams come together to work on initial concepts and designs.
Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March
Makeathon is when the Makers meet the Need-Knowers - In person to put their theories, concepts and designs into action and start making prototypes!
Sunday 26 March
Showcase is when the solutions are presented and demonstrated at the Showcase. Teams explain how their bespoke solutions aim to assist in overcoming the Need-Knower’s unique challenge. The Showcase will be live streamed via TOM’s online channels from 5:30-6:30pm AEST.
This event is free to attend and a fully catered event, with all materials and machinery supplied - you just have to bring yourself.
The Wide Bay Makeathon will be held at the Community Lifestyle Support's MAKI Space located at 48 Ashfield Rd, Kalkie in March. Applications for the event are still open for Makers. To find out more information click here or to register your interest, please contact the MAKI Space.