Understanding Your Child’s Developmental Milestones
As a parent, you have a unique opportunity to foster your child's development at every stage of their early years. By understanding the expected milestones and engaging in appropriate activities, you can support their growth. Below we've listed some milestones and simple activities that encourage your child's development for each age group.
Birth to 4 Months
Physical Development:
- Milestone: Improved head control and ability to hold head upright when supported.
- Activities: Practice supervised tummy time and offer age-appropriate toys for reaching and grasping.
Cognitive Development:
- Milestone: Visual tracking of moving objects and response to colours and sounds.
- Activities: Hang colourful mobiles, introduce textured toys, and gently move objects to stimulate their senses.
Communication and Social Development:
- Milestone: Eye contact, smiling, and vocalizing.
- Activities: Engage in face-to-face interactions, talk and sing to your baby, and respond to their smiles and sounds.
Emotional Development:
- Milestone: Developing a secure emotional bond.
- Activities: Cuddle, hold, and provide gentle touch to comfort and nurture your baby.
1 to 2 Years
Physical Development:
- Milestone: Walking independently and climbing stairs with support.
- Activities: Encourage walking by providing a safe environment and outdoor exploration. Practice climbing stairs with supervision and offer age-appropriate climbing structures.
- Milestone: Object recognition and problem-solving abilities.
- Activities: Play shape-sorting games, stack blocks, and introduce puzzles with larger pieces. Encourage problem-solving by hiding toys or objects for them to find.
Language and Communication Development:
- Milestone: Expanding vocabulary and beginning to form simple sentences.
- Activities: Engage in conversation, read books with colourful pictures, and encourage your child to name objects and describe their experiences.
Social and Emotional Development:
- Milestone: Developing independence, showing empathy, and imitating others.
- Activities: Encourage independent tasks like self-feeding and dressing. Engage in pretend play, encourage sharing, and praise positive behaviors to support their social and emotional growth.
4 to 8 Months
Physical Development:
- Milestone: Rolling over and sitting with support.
- Activities: Encourage rolling by placing toys just out of reach, and support sitting with cushions or sitting aids.
Cognitive Development:
- Milestone: Increased curiosity and exploring objects with hands and mouth.
- Activities: Offer safe, age-appropriate toys with various textures, shapes, and sizes for exploration.
Communication and Social Development:
- Milestone: Babbling, responding to their name, and recognizing familiar faces.
- Activities: Engage in back-and-forth conversations, play peek-a-boo, and use their name frequently.
Emotional Development:
- Milestone: Expressing emotions through laughter, babbling, and crying.
- Activities: Respond to their emotional cues, provide a nurturing and comforting environment, and engage in playful interactions.
2 to 3 Years
Physical Development:
- Milestone: Running, jumping, and beginning to pedal a tricycle.
- Activities: Provide opportunities for outdoor play, engage in simple obstacle courses, and introduce a tricycle or balance bike for gross motor skill development.
- Milestone: Increased curiosity, counting, and recognizing colours and shapes.
- Activities: Play matching games, count objects during daily routines, and encourage exploration of colours and shapes through art activities.
Language and Communication Development:
- Milestone: Expanding vocabulary, using short sentences, and starting to ask "why" and "how" questions.
- Activities: Engage in storytelling, encourage pretend play with dolls or stuffed animals, and answer their questions patiently to promote language and communication skills.
Social and Emotional Development:
- Milestone: Engaging in cooperative play, expressing emotions, and developing friendships.
- Activities: Arrange playdates, encourage turn-taking in games, and provide opportunities for imaginative play to foster social interaction and emotional expression.
8 to 12 Months
Physical Development:
- Milestone: Crawling, pulling up to stand, and cruising along furniture.
- Activities: Create a safe and baby-proofed environment for crawling, offer stable furniture for pulling up, and encourage cruising with support.
Cognitive Development:
- Milestone: Object permanence and beginning to understand cause and effect.
- Activities: Play games like peek-a-boo, hide toys under cups, and use toys that require pressing buttons or flipping switches.
Communication and Social Development:
- Milestone: Babbling with more varied sounds and responding to simple commands.
- Activities: Encourage vocalization, read interactive books, and follow simple commands like "clap hands" or "wave bye-bye."
Emotional Development:
- Milestone: Showing a range of emotions, imitating others, and developing attachment to familiar caregivers.
- Activities: Provide a loving and consistent environment, engage in imitation games, and encourage interaction with trusted caregivers.
3 to 5 Years
Physical Development:
- Milestone: Improved coordination, jumping with both feet, and pedalling a bicycle.
- Activities: Engage in active play, such as hopping games, skipping, and riding a bicycle with training wheels. Encourage fine motor skills through drawing, colouring, and cutting with child-safe scissors.
Cognitive Development:
- Milestone: Enhanced problem-solving, counting, and recognizing letters and numbers.
- Activities: Introduce simple puzzles, engage in counting games, and encourage letter and number recognition through educational toys, books, and interactive activities.
Language and Communication Development:
- Milestone: Conversational skills, storytelling, and expanding vocabulary.
- Activities: Encourage role-play scenarios, engage in conversation about daily experiences, and read a variety of books to expand their language skills and imagination.
Social and Emotional Development:
- Milestone: Cooperative play, empathy, and developing self-regulation skills.
- Activities: Encourage sharing, take turns in group activities, engage in imaginative play with peers, and provide opportunities for problem-solving and conflict resolution.