Back to School Preparation

Back to School Preparation
Are my kids ready for school? When it is the first time sending your kids off to school this is a worry. As a parent we are worried if our kids will cope with out us. It's important to check your child's mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Ask yourself these 6 questions:
1. Is your child capable of doing things independently?
2. Can they follow instructions?
3. Can they easily shift from one task to another?
4. How are they interacting with other children?
5. Can they express their feelings and needs?
6. Do they have separation anxiety problems?
To help your child integrate into school, parental interaction and guidance is necessary. Reading, singing, counting will develop their interest in learning new things. Exposing your child to new people, environments and situations will allow them to interact with other kids and adults.
It's really challenging to arrange everything; you can have your checklist in place but you may still miss some points. To help make things easier for you, we found this list put together by Finder:
- Keep a record of dates. Get a copy of the school calendar and take note of specific events, including the exact date and time when school begins.
- Buy supplies early. Before buying the basics, make a list of everything your child needs. Get a list of required school and stationery supplies from the school so you know which items to prioritise. Know the dress code or the necessary uniform and school shoes and be ready with backpacks and lunch boxes in advance.
- Health check. Make an appointment with your child's paediatrician and make sure they have not missed any required vaccinations. Have their vision checked and if they have other health issues, follow the doctor's advice for faster recovery.
- Safety first. As part of back to school preparation, teach your children about physical and traffic safety. Make sure your children know their names and how to spell them, your home address and telephone number. Also, it's wise to keep these contact details in your child's backpack in case of emergency.
- Report bullying. It can't be denied that bullies do exist in schools, and in case your children are faced with bullying issues, teach them in advance the proper way to deal with bullies by reporting them to their teachers and other school authorities.
- School bus training. Know the school bus's drop-off points nearest to you and the timetable. Teach kids to patiently wait and encourage waiting at the bus stop with a friend right after school. More importantly, warn your children to never accept offers of rides from strangers.
- Discuss things with your children. Listen to their opinions and know their daily experiences to make the transition easier for them. Be honest with your children and let them know that you miss them too while they are in school.
All parents want the best for their children and want their big day to be as enjoyable as possible. Give them as much love and support as you can. With a little planning, you can breeze through the back to school period easily and without worry.