Kids in the Kitchen

Kids In The Kitchen
We will be running Kids in the Kitchen again starting term 3!! A hands on cooking program for kids in years 3-6 run by The Salvation Army. It includes basic cutting, cooking and cleaning skills aimed at kids aged 8-12 years old.
The cost of the course is $50 (or $5 a week) for the term, this includes a meal each week, badges for each recipe, a cookbook and an apron at the end of the term.
Kids will learn:
- To prepare simple meals from scratch
- Proper use of a knife
- How to clean up
- Kitchen safety
- Teamwork
Where: The Salvation Army, 110 McCarthy Rd
Cost: $5 per week and includes dinner each week, apron and a cookbook at graduation.
When: 10 weeks - Wednesdays 4-6pm ( 13th July - 14th September)
- Family Celebration Dinner 14 September
- Graduation Sunday 18th September 9:30am
Book Early!! Need to register-- only 12 places per term available
Contact Tim via mobile on 0432474166 or email: to register.