Why are Schools still bothering with Homework?

Why are Schools still bothering with Homework?
Homework is always a hot topic within my circle of friends and definitely something that constantly comes up at school pick-up chat time. My opinion on homework has certainly evolved since my daughter started school 6 years ago…..to the point where for various reasons I sometimes wonder why are schools still bothering with homework?
Recent studies indicate that there is no evidence for the effectiveness of homework in primary school years. While other studies state that homework sets up children with good study habits for later years. Who do you believe?
I do not think I know one child that loves homework, but I’m sure there are some out there. Sometimes I think:……..my children have bugger all homework to do, if they just applied themselves, it would be done in no time!
Homework is great a tool to learn that there are some things in life you just have to do……it’s like mowing the lawn, doing the washing, paying the bills, I can’t say I enjoy doing any of these things but know I have to do them!
When homework entered my house I became a dreadful homework Nazi. I made my daughter sit and do it until it was done. She protested to no end and there was lots of shouting and frustration from both sides. Then as time went on I negotiated modifications and tried lots of strategies, but really none of it helped, she was just not interested.
My biggest mistake was not recognising that all this hostility around homework, was actually my problem! I was the one causing it! I have always been a people pleaser, and someone who plays by the rules……….and here was my child disobeying the rules! What was the Teacher going to think about me?!
Were they going to think that I was some lazy mother who cared nothing for my child’s education because her homework was not done?!
None of these homework arguments needed to happen. I could have written a note excusing her, but didn’t. I could have sent her to school with unfinished homework, but didn’t. I could have told the school that the frustration and arguments were just was not worth it and withdrew her from all homework, but didn’t.
How have I solved this problem……well it has sort of solved itself……..sort of! Last year I took a step back, it allowed me to realise that my children had to make their own choices regarding homework and then face the consequences of those choices. For some unknown reason my daughter just started doing her homework and never missed a beat, my son on the other hand just took up where she left off………BUT what I did not do was enter into the fighting. Each week I gave my son a few gentle reminders, and made special time to sit with him to help with his homework. Mostly he ignored my offers and went to school and faced lunch time homework club.
How do I feel about this……well I feel great because we are not having the homework fights and he is hopefully learning that there are some things in life you just have to do. He is however missing out on valuable movement time……and this kid needs lots of it!
On the other hand I feel that children work hard at school each day, do they really need to come home and do more? Home time is family and relaxation time isn’t it? Could homework be setting up our children to believe that it is okay to bring work home? Could homework be why so many adults feel obligated to take phone calls and answer emails after hours? Probably not, but worth thinking about isn’t it!
I think my homework problem is kind of solved for now……and I have certainly learnt a lot about myself during this process. I guess if homework was fun and engaging everyone would be rushing to do it and we would not even be having this conversation would we?!?!