Star Moves Play Sessions
Star Moves Play Sessions
play | move | grow
only 25 spots available
We’re so super excited to announce the latest project we’re involved with………Star Moves is an awesome interactive play based experience where families will build strong bonds to last a lifetime!
These great play sessions will include moving to music, singing, and playing in ways that encourages optimal physical and brain development. We are so excited to be part of this great initiative.
What’s involved
Star Moves play sessions will involve learning fun movement patterns and games that support children’s language and learning abilities as well as their physical development………all while having the best time ever!
The program has been developed by Rosemary and Stuart Williams and Tammy Hume from Family Chiropractic Bundaberg through the use of evidence based practices. The sessions will be delivered by Jo Lamond from Baby Bods and Angela Dickie from Bargara Montessori Association.
When will sessions be held
Sessions will be FREE……..BUT there are only 25 spots available for children aged between 3 and 5 years. To register your interest and find out more please come along to our information morning and come and try event on the 13th April, at Bundaberg Basketball from 9am.
Sessions will then be held each Wednesday morning from 9am to 9:45am for registered families.
When: Wednesday 13th April
Time: 9am to 11am
Where: Bundaberg Basketball, Flint Street, Bundaberg
Age: for children aged 3 to 5 years
Cost: Free
Registrations: essential at our information morning and come and try event 13th April
Whats involved: play based movements to support children’s language and learning abilities and physical development in a fun environment
If you would like further information drop us an email.