Chess Club

Chess Club
Chess is a great way to develop your children's strategic thinking and improve concentration. Studies have found that people who play chess regularly are more likely than others, both male or female-to be enrolling in college with degrees related math! It's also been shown time after time again how this ancient game can help kids learn about strategy - whether they're trying out basic openings against an opposite number before going into depth on positions where two colours collide (or not), understanding what might happen next based off factors such as previous movements made by each player... Even if you don't want any part of all those fancy pieces getting erected at home; just gathering round while watching someone else take charge will.
Chess clubs are a place where people with an interest in the game can go to socialize and compete.
It's always great when you meet another chess fan, especially if they're nice enough share their knowledge of different openings or give strategy advice!
Chess is often thought of as a highly intellectual game, but that doesn't mean it can’t also be fun. Come join us for an afternoon playing some chess!
When: every second Thursday afternoon from 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Where: Bundaberg Library,49 Woondooma Street, Bundaberg Central, QLD 4670
Cost: Free
For more information phone the library on (07) 4130 4140