Simple Play – Fun simple activities you can play with your kids!
Simple Play - Fun simple activities you can play with your kids!
45 Ways to Play
45 ideas for fun, simple activities you can play with your child. Create simple play opportunities to keep you and your kids happy. A well-arranged environment may enhance children’s development through learning and play. Create a safe space for children to play, a safe environment encourages exploration and play behaviours in young children. Therefore, a safe environment is very important for young children, parents/carers and educators. Young children learn and develop in an integrated fashion.Play is the cornerstone for multiple disciplines, such as art,language, and physical education.
Download the list of Simple Play activities for under 12's HERE.
Scooter ride along the River | Throw a Frisbee | Play basketball or netball |
Bike ride along the Coast | Fly a kite | Plant a vegetable garden |
Build a cubby | Walk to your neighbourhood park | Cook some cupcakes |
Hang on some monkey bars | Go to the pool | Make slime |
Go geocaching | Video call friends | Kayak, canoe or SUP |
Go for a bush walk | Play nerf wars! | Play ten pin bowling with bottles |
Body surf at the beach | Learn a new card game | Snorkel the shallows |
Skate it up at the skate bowl | Play board games | Wiz down a flying fox |
Go fishing | Play charades | Go camping! |
Learn to surf | Eat fish & chips at the beach | Make a tie dye shirt |
Visit a farm | Have a picnic in the park | Make playdoh |
Explore the botanic gardens | Stroll the CBD | Make your own jewellery |
Watch a movie! | Read a book | Create a stop motion animation |
Play table tennis | Learn to sew | Learn macramé |
Kick a ball | Climb trees | Paint on canvas |