30 Things to do that don’t need wifi

30 Things to do that don't need wifi.... This list will save you from trying to think of things to do to entertain the kids!
We've put together this list of 30 things to do without wifi with kids and we hope it is of use to you.
- Talk to each other! I know it sounds simple and old fashioned, however, talking creates connection.
- Social Card Games like Hearts, a popular trick-taking game available with a deck of cards or online where players swap cards and avoid accumulating points.
- Play hide and seek. Best game ever for kids of all ages.
- Act out one of children’s favourite stories. Eg Little Red Riding Hood, or We are going on a Bear Hunt.
- Read an actual book! Ones that don’t need electricity to power them.
- Dance like no one is watching…because it’s dark anyway and they can’t see you.
- Card games – like Go Fish, Uno, Sevens. You can even play games like Solitaire without wifi with apps like Solitaire Bliss
- Make your own musical instruments. A can or an empty tissue box with an elastic band wrapped around makes a cool sound.
- Build a blanket and pillow fort – of course!
- Play charades
- Make some home-made face paint and pretend you’re an artist on your child’s face.
- Play indoor cricket, basketball or soccer using balloons.
- Get crafty with some arts and crafts especially for kids.
- Make shadow puppets with a torch and blank wall. Who can make a…..chicken….a.....pig.
- Sing songs and make up dance routines.
- Play elastics.
- Master a hand clapping game.
- Play hangman.
- Play noughts and crosses.
- Go through your old photos. Show the kids and talk about the events in the photos. Finally put them into albums or scrapbooks!
- Play jacks or pick up sticks!
- If it’s safe to do so – go for a walk, ride your bike or just be outdoors! Spend some time in the garden.
- Have an indoor picnic!
- Play a game of Solitaire with real cards. If you don’t own real cards, make some!
- Create a treasure hunt activity. Secretly hide some objects around the house, draw a map and place it where the kids will find it…..go on an exciting adventure!
- Make up jokes.
- Practice magic tricks.
- Make paper aeroplanes.
- Play dress ups.
- Do a jigsaw puzzle.
- Play indoor hop scotch using masking tape on the floor or chalk in the garage.
- Talk to each other.
Check out our Blog about entertaining bored children during school holidays. In this blog we make a choices board which allows the kids to choose from a range of activities.
See also our Rainy Day blogs - fun things to do with kids when it's raining (including teenagers!).
For more fun things to do visit our Things to Do page for ideas and inspiration!