50 Free things to do with kids in Bundaberg

50 FREE things to do with kids in bundaberg
We've put together this list of 50 Free things to do with kids in Bundaberg for those days when you need a little bit of inspiration and want to try something that you haven't thought of doing in a while.

Grab your bike and......

- ride along one of our great seaside paths we love Bargara’s Turtle Trail great for both bikes and prams
- head to the BMX track a Boreham Park both big kids and little ones are catered for
- explore Meadowvale Nature Park or Riverview Enviornmental Reserve on your bike – also great for prams with pump up tyres
- have races around the Criterium Cycling track adjacent to the Basketball Stadium

With Scooters & Skates

- head to the old skating rink at Nielson’s Park or the old netball courts at Kendalls Flats
- scoot or skate along one of the great seaside paths – we love Bargara and Elliott Heads but really they are all great
- head to a park or playground, we especially love Lake Ellen, Boreham Park, and Christsen Park for skating and scooting
- try out one of the skate bowls at Bargara, Burnett Heads, Moore Park, Innes Park or in Town

Head to Bundaberg Pump Track
Set up wet play

- Set up your own slip and slide with a tarp and some soapy water.
- Make your own truck or doll wash. Fill a tub with soapy water and wash your babies or trucks. We also like to wash our bikes and trikes.

- Try Spray Painting. Fill some spray bottles with coloured water and spray onto an old bed sheet. Let it dry and enjoy the masterpiece.
- Play in the mud! Get out the buckets, spades, kitchen equipment and your trucks. Make a constructions site, some mud pies or a mud castle.

Look for free activites and events like.....

- story time, toddler time and baby time sessions held at the Library each week during school terms
- free playgroup sessions at the Bundaberg Neighbourhood Centre during school terms
- kids diy craft activities held each Saturday and Sunday and Thursday at Bunnings including school holidays
- Keep an eye out for our School Holiday Guide which includes heaps of free kids activities across the Bundaberg region
- look for free events held to celebrate special days like Australia Day, the Christmas Pagent of Lights Parade, Chinese New Year festivities and the New Years Eve celebrations
- check out our Facebook Page and see what free events and activities are on right now across our region

Go to a Park or Playground

- visit one of our many great parks or playgrounds
- take a picnic or have a bbq with friends
- throw a frisbie, play a game of tiggie, football or cricket
- play some old fashioned ball games i.e. tunnel ball, catchy, t-ball see what you have at home that you can play with in the park
- feed the ducks at the Botanic Gardens
- visit the animals at Alexandra Park Zoo print out and complete our Alexandra Park Zoo Passport

Get out into Nature

- try one of our local walking tracks or take a bush walk, our favourite is Russo Nature Park
- in the warmer months have a twilight picnic, the Hummock Lookout, Turtle Park and Christsen Park are where we love to go. We also love Buss Park around Christmas time when the lights are up.
- take a walk across the Burnett Traffic Bridge
- have a go at geocaching
- go fishing our favourite is the jetty at Riverview
- head to the beach and walk in the sand
- take a drive out to Bucca Crossing for a swim, picnic, paddle, or fish

Visit a Beach

- our favourite local beaches are Elliott Heads and Mon Repos
- play in the sand, plastic dump trucks and buckets are our favourites
- make a sand sculpture, like a boat or car, make it big enough to sit in and watch the pretend play unfold
- draw pictures or make footprints in the sand
- have a swim
- fly a kite